Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh Boy - I've been Tagged!!!

I've been tagged by Laura at Laura Bruen photography blog I couldn't be more thrilled! This is my first tagging and for me it is a rite of passage into the blogging world. Thank you Laura!!

So here it goes:

1) Where were you 10 years ago? I was living in Forestville, California in Sonoma County. My husband and I owned and operated a photocopy shop called Advanced Reproduction Center (ARC) in Santa Rosa, California. Damian wanted to be first in the phonebook so that is how he came up with the name. We were both getting burned out so we were already thinking of selling the business. The business is still around. We sold it to one of our employees and he has done a great job in expanding it. Ten years ago both of my parents were still alive. Boy it is hard to believe so much has happened in th last ten years.

2) Five items on your to-do list today.

  1. Update Blog
  2. Meet with Kris
  3. Start packing for trip to Sonoma County (trip next weekend)
  4. Call April
  5. Laundry

3) Snacks I enjoy - Fresh Fruit, Dill Pickles - those are the good healthy things but I also enjoy cookies and plain m&m's. I also like toast and tea.

4) What would you do if you were a billionaire?

  1. I'd go back to school and become a professional student. I'd get a degree in Asian studies, screen writing, some kind of art degree, and take many foreign language courses.
  2. I'd purchase houses/condo's in London, Edinburgh, Paris, San Francisco, Santa Rosa (I still like the place), Hong Kong, New York City and rent some of them out for vacation rentals and visit whenever I like. I'd still keep my Bandon house and I would purchase at least one other house there.
  3. I'd purchase a house for my sister Becky.
  4. I'd purchase an old VW beetle for my sister Suzy.
  5. I'd take my sisters on a vacation.
  6. I'd help out various family members.
5) Places I would live: I suppose you could get the answer to this in question 4. Out of all the places I listed above Hong Kong is the only one I haven't visited. If I had to narrow it down though I suppose San Francisco would be top on my list. Even though I was born in Texas and my family says, "Once a Texsan always a Texsan," we moved to California when I was eight. I lived most of my young life in Southern California and moved to Northern California when I was 21. I'm really a Northern California girl at heart no matter where I live. Sonoma County was a nice place to live and close to San Francisco. So we were able to visit often. I worked for a time in San Francisco and loved the energy there.

6) 5 Bloggers I'm passing the challenge onto:

  1. Lisa
  2. Connie
  4. Angel who is a new blogger and could use some encouragement from us
  5. Okay I'm one short but maybe I'll find someone else to add later.


namesconnie said...

Where were you ten years ago? Here.

Five items on your to do list today? Sunday is a slow day, but here goes: Watch a movie, pet my cats, answer emails, listen to music and finish laundry

Snacks I enjoy? Fuji Apples with peanut butter, Rice cakes and Vegetarian cheese with green olives on the side, Those Big Bavarian Pretzels and some types of granola energy bars like Clif Bars

What would you do if you were a billionaire? I would buy a house for myself with three houses on the property, one for each of my two kids and one as a guest house for friends. I would open a thrift store and put low prices on things for people and donate part of the money to the domestic violence center in town. I would like to run a safe home for abused women and their kids and hire good help to run it and to help the women get their own nice places. I would find some property and fix it up nice for homeless people to live in. I would hire a good staff to oversee that things stay fine. I would hire workers to help homeless people get on their feet and find their own places. I would make sure the homeless people lived in dignified conditions and were treated with respect. I would find some kind of work that wasn’t too tough that homeless people could do to earn some good money for themselves as well.

Places I would live? Here.

5 Bloggers I’m passing the challenge onto: I am new to blogging, so I am not sure about this one, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Connie, you have to post that on your own blog ;-) Not as a comment. That's lesson number one!

Welcome to the world of blogging!

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