Sunday, June 14, 2009

Well - I sort of did it again!

It is a long story - well sort of a long story. When we were in Los Angeles area for my father-in-laws funeral well I sort of fell again. This time it didn't break. The family was getting the house ready for the reception after the service and well my husband sort of passed out and hit his head smack on the concrete. My sister-in-law Greer came in to tell me to call 9-1-1. Well, the phone wasn't on the hook and then I remembered to I had a cell phone. I called 9-1-1 but couldn't remember the house number I had to give the phone to one of my brother-in-laws. I was trying to get to my husband (down a flight of stairs) and I fell off the last two. I calmed down then and road to the hospital with Damian in the ambulance. Once there the nurses convinced me to get my leg looked at - I guess the softball looking knot on the side of my leg looked bad. Anyway, once Damian was squared away I let them take xrays and I'm fine just a bad sprain.

Damian is fine. They kept him in the hospital for two days. He got out just before the service. They ran tons of test on him and didn't find anything wrong. I think he was just stressed out along with the weather being hot.

I should had my niece Brittnee take another picture from the other side because it was completely black and blue. Not sure how I did such a good job of this.

Funny - when I broke my right leg last Summer I stayed so calm. After the initial hurt and crying on the side walk. I picked myself up and went back into the house (not sure really how I managed that but I did.) I then sat on a big chair and waited another 15 minutes until my husband's normal time to get out of bed. I then called and said that he would have to take me to the hospital because I was pretty sure I had broken my leg. I then had him get me a pair of sweats, my purse, and the phone. He got dress and I called my work, the insurance company and had him get me into the sweats and a different pair of shoes (I was only able to wear socks.) So my brother-in-laws kept asking me what happened - as to why I freaked out. I think because it was Damian and not me hurt.

When I broke my leg it didn't even look as bad as this (you can see old photo on the blog somewhere.) I am mending really well now. My leg still hurts and swells up but most of the bruising is gone. The leg really hurts by the end of the day but I'm okay and most importantly Damian is fine.

Well Until Next Time. . . .


RLahman said...

Mmm, Mmm, Mmm. Glad to hear that you and Damien are okay. God bless you!

candy said...

I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
Thought Id say Hi!
:) Candy
hope you feel well soon!!!