Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update on Under the Weather & Bandon Furniture

Well, I'm still hobbling around with the broken foot. I can't wait to get the cast on this Thursday. I'm going to take the day off as my foot seems to swell when I start walking on it during the day. I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the plastic on the splint. I've always been allergic to some plastics and don't usually think about it but something is going on inside there. Anyway, Thank you Dave for the comment. You didn't leave me your email address so I don't know how to get in touch with you. I'd like to compare notes on getting through this little bump in life so please leave me your email address.

On Bandon Furniture

Remember this little stool. Well, I finished it and used the material I was going to use for the curtains in the bathroom. I've decided that I may keep the old pillow case curtains. I'll just finish them off correctly and use lace for the shower stall. When I held the material up in the bathroom it seemed like too many different colors. I think the stool will be just the right amount to give it a splash of color. After all, I have some much color on the walls in there.

Remember this is how the stool looked when I picked it up at the Goodwill Store. I must say it was a big improvement with the paint and all.

This is the one dining room chair I have for the table. I'm going to look for other chairs to paint white. I was pleased with the way it turned out. I used an old mint green pillow sham for the seat cover. The picture showed up on the pale side and doesn't really give the true color.

This is what the chair looked like before. Cute lines and a comfortable chair but not much else to get excited about.

I'm not sure how much else I will be able to do for the Bandon house until I get my foot fully recovered. Leave it to me though, I'm not one to set around for long without a project to do. It seems even shopping isn't that easy as I get tired fast. Working all day yesterday wiped me out. Oh, well . . . Onward we go.

Until Next Time



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry,my email is tippytop100@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love it! Great job!!~