Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ouch That Hurts

Well I have gone and broke my right ankle bone and it hurts. Friday I was just about to leave for work and decided to check out the back yard for the yard work I was going to be doing over the weekend. I stepped off of the back step and down I went. I only recall my right foot sliding under and I heard a snap sound. I lay there and cried and of course no one heard anything. I finally pulled myself up and crawled into the house. My little Lucy looking through the window in the door the whole time with this little worried look on her face. I waited until the time my husband normally gets up and I called him down stairs. We called the insurance company and where I work at and I had to crawl to the car. My knees and hand were already pretty banged up from the fall but you do what you have to do. Anyway, I broke the outer bone right by the ankle and I can't put any weight on it. I don't get a cast until this Thursday (I guess they wait for the swelling to go down first.) I've been trying to learn how to walk with crutches. Which with my vertigo problem isn't the easiest thing in the world. Actually, I don't think it would be that easy even without vertigo.

My husband is playing nurse maid so he brought me breakfast in bed this morning. I've taken over the guest bedroom as the bed is a little easier to get in and out of.

Yumm that was good. The dishes we call the weekend dishes as we will use them from Friday night on. The first piece I ever purchased of this Rose Chintz was a small platter in England and I brought it back in my backpack on the plane.

A nice cup of tea to finish it off. I do have lots of Bandon pictures to share with you this coming week. I'm still going to try and make it into work as I have some important things to take care of this week. I'm not sure how I'm going to do all this until I get the regular cast on. This could be tricky. If any of you have some tricks on how to deal with a broken leg - please share them. I'm not going any where.
Until Next Time


Anonymous said...

Hi kathleen I just got my hard cast this morning and it feels so much better than the splint! I still have some swelling,the cast feels tight but the doctor said it's normal give it a couple of days.She said to ice and elevate it so thats what i am doing and I bought a special cast cover so no water goes in the cast but haven't figured out how to balance so I take a bath and hang my leg out,lol. Feel free to email me and ask anything you like,feel better and heal quick!Dave

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your leg!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Laura I left you my email if you are bored,lol. Hows your foot feeling?